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Headshot of Megan Lehman

Megan Lehman

Congressional Fellowship Alum

When I did the Congressional Fellowship, I was hoping to learn more and really solidify my interest in running for office. I wanted to see what the day to day on Capitol Hill was all about, learn how the legislative process works, and find out how everyday citizens can work to make progress outside of Washington. I learned all of this and so many more professional skills than I ever imagined.
I met so many mentors during the program. The Running Start staff themselves are incredible mentors who have continued to help me many years later. The speakers and different people we interacted with in the Congressional office I worked in have also continued to be mentors who send me job opportunities, scholarships, and more. I did not know at the time that accepting the Fellowship meant that Running Start would be a part of my life for the rest of my life, and I am more than happy about that.
Right after the Fellowship, I got involved in my community. I joined a local board and became the chairwoman of my town's Park and Recreation Commission. I hope to run for higher office as soon as possible.
The biggest challenge that I still face is self doubt. The "why me" question is always going to be there. But Running Start gave me the tools to challenge that question. Why not me? I care enough to want to make a change! I care enough about my community and the people in it to want a better life, a better world for them. This challenge is not one that goes away, but every time I have to talk myself up and out of it I feel that much stronger and ready to get moving.
Running Start is an organization that invests in you and not just while you are in the program. They have been a part of my life and have been front line supporters ever since I stepped into their office in 2015. These women and men are fighting for us and that fight is so empowering and encouraging. I am so proud to be a Running Start alum!

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